Tagged: kids

Mazurenko Farm, North Andover, MA

Snowshoeing at Mazurenko Farm, North Andover, MA

[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Mazurenko Farm, North Andover, MA Date: January 4, 2014 Distance: 1.56 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 59 feet Our Hiking Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes round trip Trail Blaze: Green (Reas Pond & Scout Trails), Red (Locust Trail),...

Playing with trains at the Wenham Museum

Family Fun at the Wenham Museum in Wenham, MA

Quite some time ago, we received free passes to go to the Wenham Museum in Wenham, MA. Though we kept meaning to visit, something always seemed to pop up and derail our plans. However,...

Holiday Gift Guide - 2013

Holiday Gift Guide for the Last Minute Shopper

We’re down to seven more shopping days before Christmas, and if you’re anything like me, you’re not finished buying presents for everyone on your list. With the clock ticking on the number of days...