24 Hours of Epic Fails
Kendra and I spent most of our school vacation week apart – she ran a poetry camp for middle and high school kids, while I took members of the high school Outdoor Adventure Club...
Kendra and I spent most of our school vacation week apart – she ran a poetry camp for middle and high school kids, while I took members of the high school Outdoor Adventure Club...
Like most of the kids in my urban hometown, I did not grow up communing with nature. As an adult, I have come to seek refuge in the outdoors, and spend a great deal...
I need to preface this post by saying I have never cross-country skied before. When I was a kid, I went downhill skiing a few times, and these days I snowboard, but neither prepared me for...
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Mt. Willard, Bretton Woods, NH Date: February 2, 2013 Distance: 4.05 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 1020 feet Our Hiking Time: 4.5 hours roundtrip Trail Blaze: Yellow Rectangles Difficulty: Moderate [/box] This past weekend, I traveled to New Hampshire with the...
Tonight was a cold night for skiing, snowboarding, and tubing – but I went anyway… with 14 members of the Outdoor Adventure Club! We decided to make the trek to McIntyre Ski Area in...
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Mary French & Hammond Reservations, Andover, MA Date: January 13, 2013 Distance: 1.34 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 92 feet Our Hiking Time: 1.5 hours roundtrip Trail Blaze: White Rectangles & AVIS Triangles Difficulty: Easy[/box] Knowing that the temperatures...
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Skug River Reservation, Andover, MA Date: January 5, 2013 Distance: 2.5 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 171 feet Our Hiking Time: 2 hours roundtrip Trail Blaze: White Rectangles (Bay Circuit Trail), Red Circles (Harold Parker State Forest Trail)...
2012 was an exciting year for us. We took Addie overseas for the first time in February, along with 18 of our inner-city students, spending time in both London and Paris. The highlights of our...
One of the perks of being teachers is that Kendra and I get school vacations to spend with Addison. We try to take advantage of this time, using it to take her on new...
[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Mary French, Hammond, & Skug River Reservations, Andover, MA Date: December 26, 2012 Distance: 1.7 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 177 feet Our Hiking Time: 1 hour roundtrip Trail Blaze: White Rectangles Difficulty: Easy[/box] Kendra’s parents are up visiting...