Monthly Archive: January 2017

Risas Passport

It’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, and We Just Went Back in Time

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana Kendra’s grandparents were both Holocaust survivors. Her grandfather, Felix, spent two years living in a Swiss refugee camp at Diepoldsau before...

Snowshoeing on Weir Hill

Adventures in Snowshoeing on Weir Hill

[box style=”rounded” border=”full”]Location: Weir Hill, North Andover, MA Date: January 8, 2017 Distance: .87 miles roundtrip Elevation Gain: 92 feet Our Hiking Time: 1 hours, 7 minutes roundtrip Trail Blaze: Yellow Circles (Edgewood Farm Trail) Difficulty: Easy Trail Map[/box] It’s hard to believe...

voting day

Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017!

2016 was a rather quiet year for us… though busier in some ways, with lots of milestones for the little ones. Addison turned six, started first grade, lost her first tooth, and had surgery to remove...